
Where will your retirement money come from? If you’re like most people, qualified-retirement plans, Social Security, personal savings and investments are expected to play a role. Once you have estimated the amount of money you may need for retirement, a sound approach involves taking a close look at your potential retirement-income sources.

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Social Security: By the Numbers

Social Security: By the Numbers

Here are five facts about Social Security that might surprise you.

What's New for Social Security?

What's New for Social Security?

There have been a number of changes to Social Security that may affect you, especially if you are nearing retirement.

Working With A Financial Professional

Working With A Financial Professional

A financial professional is an invaluable resource to help you untangle the complexities of whatever life throws at you.

What Is a Roth 401(k)?

Roth 401(k) plans combine features of traditional 401(k) plans with those of a Roth IRA.

Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) Explained

Have you considered the special tax treatment on company stock held in a 401(k) plan?

Is a SEP-IRA Right for Your Business?

For some, the idea of establishing a retirement strategy evokes worries about complicated reporting and administration.

Starting a Roth IRA for a Teen

This early financial decision could prove helpful over time.

Your Changing Definition of Risk in Retirement

A change in your mindset during retirement may drive changes to your portfolio.

Navigating Retirement Pitfalls

Why are they made again and again? Making sense of these errors in judgement.

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Potential Income from an IRA

Estimate your monthly and annual income from various IRA types.

Annuity Comparison

This calculator compares a hypothetical fixed annuity with an account where the interest is taxed each year.

My Retirement Savings

Estimate how long your retirement savings may last using various monthly cash flow rates.

Self-Employed Retirement Plans

Estimate the maximum contribution amount for a Self-Employed 401(k), SIMPLE IRA, or SEP.

Saving for Retirement

This calculator can help you estimate how much you may need to save for retirement.

Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional 401(k)

This calculator compares employee contributions to a Roth 401(k) and a traditional 401(k).

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Leaving Your Lasting Legacy

Want to do more with your wealth? You might want to consider creating a charitable foundation.

Social Security: By the Numbers

Here are five facts about Social Security that might surprise you.

RE: Retirement

How does your ideal retirement differ from reality, and what can we do to better align the two?

How to Bake a Pie-R-A

Roth IRAs are tax-advantaged differently from traditional IRAs. Do you know how?

How to Retire Early

Retiring early sounds like a dream come true, but it’s important to take a look at the cold, hard facts.

The Long Run: Women and Retirement

For women, retirement strategy is a long race. It’s helpful to know the route.

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